Abraham L.


Pastor Abe Lee came to faith in Christ as Lord, Savior, and Friend at a young age, but chose to walk away from his faith during his college and graduate school years. Thankfully, the persistence of a loving friend and mentor brought him back to faith in Jesus Christ after grad school – bringing him to reconcile with his family, the church, and with God. During that time, he clung to the knowledge that if he confessed his sins, God would forgive and love him and bring him back to a reconciled relationship with Him (1 John 1:9).

He met his wife Suzette in his hometown of Chicago and was used by God to introduce her to Christ. They’ve been married for over 20 years and lived in San Francisco for 17 years where he served as the music ministry director, director of operations, and elder for Sunset Church before being called back to Chicago in 2018. While in Chicago, Pastor Abe served as a co-vocational pastor (working in both ministry and for a software development firm) at Church of the Beloved. He has since retired from the technology sector to become a full-time pastor at Sunset Church.

Pastor Abe Lee 在年幼時就信主,承認主耶穌為救主,但在上大學和研究生院期間選擇遠離信仰。但感謝主,一位滿有愛心的朋友兼導師的堅持使他在研究生院畢業後讓他重新認識信仰,讓他可以與家人、教會和上帝和解。在那段時間裡,他堅信只要他承認自己的罪過,上帝就會原諒他、愛他,並將他帶回與祂重新修好的關係(約翰一書 1:9)。

他在家鄉芝加哥遇到了妻子Suzette,並被上帝使用引領她認識基督。他們已經結婚超過20年,在舊金山生活了17年,在那裡他曾擔任Sunset教會的音樂事工主任、運營主任和長老,後來於2018年被召回芝加哥。在芝加哥期間,Pastor Abe在 Church of the Beloved 擔任帶職牧師(同時在教會和軟體開發公司工作)。後來,他從科技行業退休,成為Sunset教會的全職牧師。