How you can pray for us 如何為我們代禱

We believe God has divinely orchestrated this opportunity and invited us to join His mission in Taiwan. We seize this opportunity by responding to His call and join Him and His church in Taiwan to serve the people there.

We hope you would partner with us  through prayers. You become a part of our team when you send and support us through prayers and giving.

Prayer items:

  • Pray that we would be Faithful, Available, and Teachable (FAT). 

  • Pray for our safety. Kaohsiung, Taiwan is a relatively safe city. Please still pray for our travel safety as some of us may need to make additional transfer to get to Kaohsiung. 

  • Pray for our acclimation. Summer of Kaohsiung is notorious for its sweltering heat and humidity. With daily average of over 95F and nearly 100% humidity, it will be difficult to for our families to get acclimated to its extreme temperature. Additionally, rainy season coincides in the summer months from June to September.

You may also consider giving, and sign up for our newsletter from the team.



  • 求神堅固我們的信心,以為先讓願意受教。

  • 求神保守行程和事工中的安全。

  • 求神賜適應能力,尤其是台灣南部天氣潮濕炎熱盼望隊員夠。
